Einer der Triebfedern New Berlin zu starten war besagter Business Plan Wettbewerb, ausgerichtet von der Electric Sheep Company (kurz ESC oder in der Szene einfach nur die "Sheeps" genannt), sowie dem PR Imperium von Edelman.
Hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Artikel im Metaverse Messenger, eine Zeitung rund um Second Life im PDf-Format:
The Electric Sheep Company, one of the more prominent development companies in Second Life, announced on Nov. 13 that the ESC, in conjunction with Edelman, the world’s largest independent global Public Relations firm, is sponsoring the Second Life Business Plan Contest. The announcement on the ESC blog page said, “In an effort to foster entrepreneurialism within Second Life, Edelman and The Electric Sheep Company are teaming up to sponsor a Second Life Business Plan competition. “Have you dreamt of that great idea but lacked the resources to get it off the ground? Now may be your chance. Over the next few months, we will be accepting business plan entries, and the winner of the contest can gain sole access to a Second Life private island for 6 months, as well as L$350,000 seed money, and strategic guidance from Edelman and The Electric Sheep Company. Two runners-up can win L$100,000.” Further information indicates that business plans submitted should be no more than 2,000 words, and will be evaluated by an experienced panel. The deadline for entries is Dec. 20., and the awards ceremony to announce the winner is scheduled for Jan. 26 week. ESC’s Chief Operating Officer Jonah Gold, known in-world as Hank Hoodoo, explained how the decision to hold the contest was made, saying, “It came about in our discussions with Edelman… they were really looking to do something that was more than just a presence in SL. Not so much about announcing themselves, as about doing things that actually give something to the community, and with a specific interest in the really quickly growing business community in SL. So it was kind of a natural thing, just because no one else was doing it... find a way to fund people’s business ideas.” (Kompletter Artikel hier auf Seite 17 der Ausgabe.)
So begannen wir also unseren "Businessplan" zu schreiben, wobei wir zu dem Zeitpunkt natürlch keine Ahnung hatten, wie so etwas auszusehen hat. Es sollte wohl einer der schrägsten Businesspläne werden, der je geschrieben wurde... hier die ersten Zeilen von der ältesten noch existieren Rohversion vom 7. Dezember 2006:

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