the Second life
a multiverse realisation concept
Second life IS a virtual world.presens:
the Second life
a multiverse realisation concept
Der 1. Absatz lautete folgendermassen:

OK, it seems to work, economy and citizens are
Everybody feels the potential and the spirit.
Super hot hackers, developers, systemlovers and nerds
are pushing the edge of web3D.
We all talk about a conjunction of real and virtual
worlds, but why is nobody doing it right now?
We know how we can start it without big costs and
almost no development, just with a map of Berlin.
We want to structually virtualize the real city of
Businesspläne sind natürlich immer "Betriebsgeheimnisse", darum können und wollen wir ihn nicht komplett veröffentlichen. Vieles, was wir damals an Ideen aufgelistet hatten, haben sich mittlerweile als "nicht umsetzbar", "Zeit ist noch nicht reif" oder "vom User nicht gewollt" herauskristallisiert. Dennoch dient uns auch heute noch dieses 1. Dokument als "Ideensteinbruch" und der eine oder andere Ansatz wartet noch auf seine Umsetzung.
Schön zu lesen und nun wirklich nicht geheim sind die "About us" Texte von Jan und mir.
Jan´s Introducion:
I started thinking of/in systems when i was 13.Later, bored in visual math class, I built a central perspective 3D-model of a 4D “hypercubus” out of the pieces of a carrot and thin steel whire. I didn´t know this thing already existed. With 20 in south Italy on a black rocky beach, I had the vision of a X-dimension dynamic picture archive system, which orders itself while navigating through a fractalized endless 3D-zooming_picture_mass. I wanted to base it on the physical circumstances of the picture itself. Geotagging, combined with all the available exif_data, and aditional exif_gps_data, wich I wanted to develop. Still, I couldn´t make it clear to anybody what I was thinking of.
In the year 2000 I started to study industrial design. One year later I used the unique possibility I had in Kassel(Germany) to study “system design”. At the same time my “hobby” fine art became serious, and so I finished university with a “free artist and system design” degree.
With 25 I gave up finding technical support for my real_3D_screen_cube.
Within 3 Years I imagined a couple of ways to materialize a massive (x,y,z) coloring cube, and the resulting Operation System.
In art I saw a fast and creative way to develop and test the reality and its systems. Now, I am bored of making art and want to get back to my roots, and follow my interests for visualisation and designing of systems. So I met SL.
After highschool I trained to be a male nurse. Afterwards I worked for 2 years in a hospital, at the end of which i had the position of a male staff nurse. In the year 2000 I starded studying medicine. I graduaded from university in may 2006 as a physician.I am not practicing, currently I am planning to work part time on a dissertation about Radiofrequenced Cancer Therapy, so called “Hyperthermia”.
Even if I´m a child of the ATARI-generation and I already did some programming in BASIC on the 1st-generation-homecomputers in the middle of the 80ies, I am only partly into computers.
Multiplayer online games? Not interested. Second Life? Never heard anything about it before two weeks ago.
So, what the hell brings me to a project like „New Berlin“?
Is it the diagnostic view of a physician!? The capacity to understand complex situations quickly and bring it to the point!? The analytic way of thinking!?
Yes, these are the things that make me see the enormous potential in SL, New Berlin and YOUseeMEin3D.com.
Is it because physicians never give up even if the case might be hopeless!? Never stand still, always reevaluate and look for better solutions!?
Yes again,and that’s why I´m in it and have the power to do it.
Next aspect:
First thing I do when I´m visiting a new city I have never been to before: I get a map of the city, spread it on the table and study it for at least one hour. I love maps. They tell you nearly everything. I read in it to the get to know the appearance, the voice and the heartbeat of the city. Cities are organic, living structures and maps are something like high-resolution photoprints of them. So, what did I do first, when I entered SL!? I looked at the map. And what did I see with my diagnostic eye!?
The SL-map is the most nonspeaking map I ever saw.
It was like trying to feel the pulse of a robot!
And why do all the Avatars run around like madmen!?
Why is the most FAQ “What is SL about!?”
So, time to consult the doctor, here is the cure:
Let New Berlin go!
Hinter unsere Vorstellungstexte fügten wir noch einen weiteren Absatz ein:
You wanted to know why we are the ones who get it
Because we did it in 2 weeks.
We started working on this vision on December.6 2006
So please do not judge us by our avatars,
our unconventional concept, or the progress in
virtual visualisation.
For us, this is just the beginning...
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